
A modern way of managing your changelogs

Centralise your changelogs and reduce the complexity of managing them across multiple platforms. Create, manage and host your projects' changelogs all in one place.

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Chxngelog Example

It's common for a company to show off a changelog in more than one place to as many people as possible. The problem is that you'd need to work to create the consistency between changelogs. This is a new a new software that allows you to create, manage and host your projects' changelogs all in one place. Create your changelog here and use it whereever you need it.

Let's say you're releasing a new version of your software and you want to share the changelog with your users. You'll want the changelog on your website, you might want to send an email out about the update and maybe you'll want the changelog to show on your software itself. In this case, you could use to avoid having three separately written changelogs. That would also give you the power to make adjustments to your changelog that would impact all three locations.
